By Guy Grand


So, you are thinking about becoming an adjuster but you are having a hard time figuring out how much it is really going to cost you to get into the industry?  You are not alone.  There are not many places out there that will tell you about ALL of the costs associated with trying to break into the industry.  Licenses, tests, certifications, travel, training, field tools, apprenticing…for many adjusters, it ends up being much more than they first thought when they signed up for that $350 “Adjuster Training” course.  Don’t get frustrated.  If you know what you are getting into it is well worth it, but don’t be fooled into thinking that one simple course is all you are going to need.

Here is a short excerpt from my book “Catastrophic Insurance Adjusting – Making it Your Career” where I write about my experience trying to break into the industry “on my own”.

“There are training facilities and schools all over the country that claim to “make you an adjuster”, most for under $1,000. Don’t buy it! The course might be under a thousand dollars but your travel, lodging, equipment, and continuing education will cost you much more than that no matter what they tell you.
Going to a five-day course to learn about adjusting and getting your state license is only the beginning. Without continually working with the software (Xactimate), practicing writing estimates, learning the proper ways to measure, photograph, and write reports you will forget how to write a claim by the time you get deployed. The repetition needed can only come from experience or by attending a full-service vocational school that will mentor you until you are comfortable with adjusting and on your first storm.
As I mentioned before, the total cost of my education into the insurance adjusting field was over $12,000 and that was back in 2003. My first storm deployment as a trainee was over five weeks and only paid my out-of-pocket expenses.
What if there was a state regulated post-secondary vocational school that bundled all the costs into one tuition price and what if they offered a loan program that was interest-only for the first 18 months. If that opportunity had been available to me back in 2002 would I have taken that deal? – ABSOLUTELY!
If I would have had the mentorship of industry veterans along the way, that would have been priceless. That opportunity wasn’t available to me back then, but it is available, through VAS — our fully licensed and state board certified vocational training center, to you now. As you read further through this book you will learn that there is a way to get into the adjusting business and to know exactly what your cost of entry is to get into this well-paying career.”


To read more from the book “Catastrophic Insurance Adjusting – Making it Your Career” just click the link below.



If you are ready to speak with someone who can help you better understand ALL the costs associated with becoming an Adjuster and where you can find a comprehensive package that includes the training, mentoring, field tools, technology, software and most importantly...the reputation you will need to be successful in the field…just complete this “Discovery Survey” and someone from our team will be in touch with you right away.

By Guy Grand


Have you been feeling like it is time for a career move?  Think you might just be getting bored or distracted at work…maybe the feeling will go away?  Here are the top 5 signs that should tell you it is time for you to switch gears and look for a new career.

If you are experiencing some of these top 5 signs you should get serious about moving on to a new career.  (And if you’re reading this, I’m confident that you want a career change. The question is, will you do it?)

1. You are chronically worn out, exhausted and depleted.

Are you constantly worn down, feeling debilitated and exhausted?  Most of us spend more waking hours working than doing anything else, and if you don’t like your work, it won’t like you back.  Work that is not appropriately aligned with who you are can easily break you down. It may be your specific job or toxic work environment that are breaking you down, but often it’s your entire career that needs a shift.

2. Your skills, responsibilities, and tasks are not you at all.

It can be a shocker for some folks to realize that they have become very good at work they hate.  Have you been wondering how you got so good at doing something you were never really all that excited about?  Just imagine how you would feel if you had spent all this time honing your skills in a career that you actually cared about and enjoyed.  Maybe it is time to make that move now.

3. You’ve come to the point where the pay no longer makes up for the boredom and emptiness you feel.

Most people who dislike like their work but are reluctant to change would say it’s their fear of walking away from the money that keeps them stuck.  But at some point, many are saying,  “I have this money, but I hate how I spend my life making it.”  If this sounds familiar, you are probably already hunting around for something better. “There has got to be more to life than this…right?”

4. Despite all the “right” choices you made in your career, the outcome feels very wrong.

So many professionals have made all the “right” choices and done everything that was expected of them, so when they wake up bored to death with their work, they’re shocked and confused. The thing to realize here is that the “right” choices usually had to do with pleasing others, stroking your ego or taking work or a promotion that fell in your lap, rather than asking yourself the tough questions like “Is this where I belong?”

5. You have the feeling that your talents and abilities could/should be used in a totally different (more impactful) way.

Have you been thinking, “I know I’m made for better things than this!”?  Maybe it is time to start listening to yourself.  You are not crazy.  There IS more to life than what you’re currently doing — no question.  If you have not found that career that matches your skill set or a career that you are passionate about, it is time to start looking.

There’s another way to live and work, even though you can’t see it yet.

Maybe it is time for better work!

If any of these 5 signs sound like something you have been experiencing lately, then you are likely in the market for a career move.  There are lots of different careers out there.  Don’t waste your life away doing something you are not satisfied with.  Maybe attend a Local Job Fair to see what is out there.  Or talk with someone in an industry you are curious about.

If you would like to hear more about a career as a Catastrophic Insurance Adjuster, get in touch with us and our outreach team can tell you more about this line of work.





By Guy Grand


So you are all geared up to make a career move and you have decided to attend a job fair.  Great!  But, are you really prepared to make the most of your experience?  A job fair can be a great place to find your next career, but they can also be overwhelming.  Following these 5 tips to make your job fair experience a success.

1. Do Your Homework

Most job fairs are packed with hundred of recruiters from a variety of different industries.  Take some time to see who has pre-registered for the event and which recruiters you will want to make sure you have a chance to speak with.  You already have a general sense of the career path you are on.  Don’t waste your precious time stopping at every booth to hear about an industry you are not interested in.  Figure out who is going to be there and make sure you hit your top interests first.  Once you have explored all the opportunities knew you were interested in, then go ahead and make the rounds to see if there is something else that might jump out at you.

2. Get There Early

By the time everything is over most recruiters have spoken to hundreds of potential candidates and are simply drained. If you really want to engage with them, get to the job fair right away and talk with them while they are still fresh and eager to speak with you.  You could miss an opportunity for a great career just because you were turned off by the tired and worn out recruiter presenting you with the information.

3. Bring Lots of Copies of your Resume

Because you have done your homework you know will be some specific recruiters for which you will want to have your resume on hand.  But, make sure you also bring a few extra copies. You never know what opportunity will present itself and you will want to be prepared to present yourself.

4. Practice Your Own Pitch

Many people attend a job fair and just listen to recruiter after recruiter.  But, if you really want to make a memorable impact, know what you want to say when you find an opportunity that seems like it would be a good fit for you.  Practice a short, 30 second, mini pitch that covers the high points and will give the recruiter something to remember about you.

Tell them:

  • Who you are..
  • What you are looking for…
  • Why they are a fit for you…
  • Why you are a fit for them…

5. Follow up within 48 Hours

When you leave, a couple of the recruiters will stick out in your mind.  These are the people that you will want to make sure to follow up within the next 48 hours.  If you have made an impression with them, you will want to keep that momentum moving in your favor.  These folks can literally have hundreds of prospects to process after they leave.  Don’t wait to get lost in the wash of job candidates.  Reach out to them and let them know you are serious.

If you can follow these 5 tips when attending your next job fair you’ll be well on your way to finding a successful new career.  Just be prepared and know what you are looking for.  That career is out there waiting for you.

Want to speak with someone about a career change?  Feel free to get in touch with us.


By Guy Grand




What if I told you that with only 6 months training you could be your own boss, work 3 to 6 months a year, and make over $100,000 a year? You’d probably think “what’s the scam?” right. Well it’s true. An independent CAT (or catastrophic) adjuster can do all these things with the proper training and education.

What is an Independent CAT Adjuster?

When natural disasters (like a hurricane, tornado, or major storm) strikes, insurance companies need to hire qualified independent CAT adjusters to assess the damage and get their customers their much needed compensation. These adjusters are heavily compensated due to the extreme severity and urgency of the situation.

Click Here to get started on your path to a 6 figure career as a CAT adjuster.
How do I Become an Insurance Adjuster?

VAS or Veteran Adjusting School has a 3 month program that teaches you everything you need to know to be successful in the field. VAS will guide you through all of the registrations and certifications that you need. VAS also gives you the tools, software, and knowledge of the adjuster process to where you will be comfortable in the field.

Veteran Adjusting School also has insurance agency partners that are so confident of the program that they hire VAS students post-graduation. The knowledge and skills developed at VAS will also give you the complete knowledge to be able to work small claims between storms if that is something that you are interested in as well.

Click Here to get started on your path to a 6 figure career as a CAT adjuster.


By Guy Grand


Welcome to Tornado Season

As the month of March comes to a close we start to see  shifting weather patterns bring all the ingredients of storm season together.  Catastrophic Adjusters around the country are gearing up to head into the aftermath of this first batch of Tornados.  After the devastation rolls through town, adjusters are some of the first people on the scene to help families and communities move forward.

Rebuilding after a major storm can be a long a difficult process, and it is usually pretty costly!  An adjuster plays a key role in getting things moving in the right direction.  They act as the representative of the insurance company and are on site to ensure that the insured (the homeowner or property owner) is compensated for all of the loss they have sustained and were insured against.


It is the task of the adjuster to assess the extent of the damage and be the eyes of the insurance company.  Once they have verified the damage (the loss), the adjuster is often authorized to provide the insured with some of their first financial compensation for the loss they have sustained.  Most of our adjusters report that this is one of the most rewarding aspects of their job.

“The look on their faces when I hand them that first check that they can use to start rebuilding…it’s huge!  These people have just lost everything and it seems hopeless to try to move forward.  Most of the time they are still just trying to figure out what is going on.  But that check represents a path forward, and I get to be the one to hand it to them. It feels good to be there representing hope and the ability to step out from the mess.”  
“Everywhere I go, I get to be like Santa Clause!  I get to hand out money and everyone is happy to see me!”

With this first bit of financial empowerment, families and communities begin to move forward and move on.  The adjuster represents the turning point between catastrophe and building the future.

Surprisingly, many people have no idea that they can have a great career by becoming a catastrophic insurance adjuster.  On top of feeling good about the work they are doing to help people rebuild their lives, CAT adjusters can gross over $100,000 working as little as 6 months our of the year.  And many of them spend their “off-season” enjoying their Freetime in the company of friends and family.  It is a job that is both rewarding and it pays well, but almost no one knows about it.


If you think that you would like to explore more about this industry and are considering a new career visit the website  Veteran Adjusting School offers a full service, accredited 3-month training program for people who are looking to get started as CAT Adjusters. We will take you from the first introduction all the way through your first few storms.  We are committed to training and mentoring the best adjusters and we have the reputation to prove it.

If you are ready for some more information on this exciting career click the link below to let us know you would like to hear from us.

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