by Guy Grand

School With Veteran Career Placement

Are you a veteran of the armed forces looking for a school with veteran career placement? Would you be interested in a vocational training program that has a 100% graduation rate and over 95% career placement rate? VAS is that school. (VAS) Veteran Adjusting School is a licensed vocational school that is VA approved for veteran tuition assistance under the 9/11 GIBill®.

What Does VAS Teach?

Veteran Career Placement - School For Vets - 96% Job PlacementVeteran Adjusting School trains its students for a career in CAT or catastrophe adjusting. When a catastrophic event (hurricane, flood, hailstorm, etc.) occurs, insurance agencies send catastrophe adjusters to assess how much compensation their customers are entitled to under their policies. These high powered claims adjusters will spend weeks to months in the affected region performing inspections for the insurance agencies that contract them.


CAT adjusters are self-employed and are independently contracted to do the work. They make their own hours, but are paid per claim closed. This allows for a very high earning potential for hard workers. They will generally work 6 – 9 months a year during the storm season and average $70k – $100k in that time.

VAS Partners

One of the reasons that VAS is so successful in veteran career placement is because of their insurance industry partnerships. VAS has 18 partners that believe so much in the program to produce high-quality CAT adjusters, that they hire VAS graduates right out of school. Normally it is very difficult to get into the CAT adjusting niche. However, VAS has built a solid reputation of producing top-notch CAT adjusters.

Dedication Not Students

In order to be successful in the catastrophe adjusting field, a CAT adjuster must be hard-working, organized, self-motivated and dedicated. This is why VAS doesn’t just take any student. CAT adjusting can be a very rewarding career, but it is not easy. Do you have what it takes?

Veteran Adjusting School - Catastrophic Insurance Claims Adjuster Training


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